My Kids OT is a private pediatric occupational therapy practice providing client-centered assessment and consultation services for school-aged children and adolescents.
What is Pediatric OT?
Occupational Therapy uses purposeful activity, task adaptations and environmental modifications to maximize the independence and function of a child who is affected by impairment in any area of skill development including sensory processing, motor coordination, visual perception and visual-motor integration, social and play skills.
A Pediatric Occupational Therapist has expertise and training in the assessment of the child’s occupational performance in areas of self-care, productivity and leisure. A child’s occupational performance may be impaired by physical, developmental, sensory, attentional and learning challenges. The Occupational Therapist also assesses the environment as well as the child’s unique skills and resources. Enabling the child to reach his or her potential by engaging in meaningful activity is the goal of Occupational Therapy intervention. Task adaptations and modifications may be necessary to optimize a child’s performance.
In addition to assessment, the OT facilitates client-centered goal setting and provides unique strategies and accommodations to assist the child with achieving these functional goals. Collaboration with family as well as other community and school supports helps to ensure a consistent approach to goal attainment.